Toolbar Button Icons are Blue

All of my third party extensions have blue icons now, in Safari 14.0. It looks pretty awful.

Is there a way to keep the monochrome colors or a way for us, as developers, to provide a different kind of icon to sustain the monochrome colors for our extensions?

I am assuming the blue color denotes something, like the extension being "active". I wasn't able to find documentation on this change nor any related api doc.
This is incredibly distracting and ugly.
The icon appearing in the accent color denotes that the extension has access to the current tab.
The blue extension icons are very distracting. How do I turn them off?

The icon appearing in the accent color denotes that the extension has access to the current tab.

Thank you for the reply.

It seems well intentioned but an unfortunate ui decision. I suppose the color scheme is automatically adopted by all extensions without developer ability to change it to something a bit more pleasing to the eye (like the new privacy extension has)?

The new privacy extension seemingly has 2 states - active = normal monochrome/grayscale color and inactive - opacity set to x amount

It's seems odd that 3rd party extensions don't automatically adopt that scheme...

I already received some feedback from users inquiring why the toolbar icon is blue in my extension.

Just so it's clear for anyone coming to this topic , the developers have no way of removing the blue colour.
Yes it is true. This is incredibly distracting and ugly.
If you're using a monochrome icon and want to keep it that way when the tab is active, I suggest adding a slight sepia filter to your image. Worked for me.
Any news on how to disable it?

Any news?

Won’t we be allowed to have the grayscale icons for 3rd parties apps?

We need it to reduce distractions, it is very important! This feature is worth money!

(Sorry for flood, I don’t know how to delete yet unchecked messages to compile everything into one)

+1 to disable the blue color. It is a bad UI experience because it removes the color branding for a company brand theme.

Toolbar Button Icons are Blue