Next Steps for Default Browser Entitlement?

We’ve been waiting on a response for default browser entitlements since August 12th when we responded back to “” with the requested data (team id, team, bundle id) & a TestFlight like with the proper changes.

Now with iOS 14 out, our users are now expecting for defaulting capability like other major browsers.

What can we do to continue the process? We just want to deliver the best service to our users.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 638991022
OK, to summarise, there are two separate issues here:
  • You’ve requested the entitlement but not heard back from Apple

  • Apple has told you that they’ve granted you the entitlement but you don’t see it when you try to create a provisioning profile.

I can’t help with the first issue; that’s outside of my bailiwick.

With regards the second issue, see my post below.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
I'm in the exact same situation. I'm also waiting for a response.
Good new:
I received an email from Apple today, where they told me that they gave me the entitlement.

Bad news:
Unfortunately it doesn't work. I followed the instructions to a new provisioning profile, but the point within this process where I should be able to selecet the new entitlement is not available. I tried with several available options (development, distribution/AppStore), but nothing worked.

Any advice?

Rigth now I guess that they’ve just forgotten to actualy assign the new entitlement to my account, despite the fact that they already sent the confirmation email.

Good new:
I received an email from Apple today, where they told me that they
gave me the entitlement.


Bad news:
Unfortunately it doesn't work.


I have two bits of advice on this front:
  1. Make sure you’re logged in to the right team. I regularly get confused by this. I get to the “Do you need additional entitlements?” page and then realise I’m in the wrong team )-:

  2. Wait a few days. I can take time for this change to propagate through our systems.

If things still fail you should get back in touch with the folks who granted the entitlement. It helps if you can send them screen shots of every step you took, just to confirm that you’re ‘holding it right’.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
I sent back the requested information over a week, but I still don't get any response.

What's about the request status, what need to do for the next step, when and how to get the entitlement?

I still don't know about it. I have done everything for the update for iOS 14 but just waiting for this.

Any advice to speed up the process?
Same problem faced. Apple replied saying they have granted the entitlement. But I am not seeing any options to choose it when creating a new provisioning profile.
OK, to summarise, there are two separate issues here:
  • You’ve requested the entitlement but not heard back from Apple

  • Apple has told you that they’ve granted you the entitlement but you don’t see it when you try to create a provisioning profile.

I can’t help with the first issue; that’s outside of my bailiwick.

With regards the second issue, see my post below.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
I successfully granted the entitlement and be able to set as the default browser on my product.

You can't use auto-signing on XCode if you grant this entitlement. You need to generate new provisioning profile with default browser entitlement (for both development and distribution) on Apple developer website manually. Download it and install.

And you also need to set the correct signing option on building setting on XCode while auto-signing is disabled.

It needs a little bit more work to do for this request on your project.

Anyway, I hope XCode can optimize this for better experience on next version. Can still be able to use auto-signing for handling those signing issues.

Hi fellow developers,

Can I ask how long it took to get a response from Apple regarding the entitlement?

Thank you in advance.



We are waiting for a response from Apple. There has been one month since we submitted the initial application. I wonder how long did it take for Apple to respond to your application. Are there any tips or suggestions to accelerate the process?

Many thanks in advance.


Hi! Same situation for us here. Submitted a few months ago but still have not heard anything back, not even an acknowledgment from Apple for "request received". Is this the usual process? Has anyone else heard back?

Hi, We requested the same a few weeks ago and still haven't received any acknowledgment/response from Apple. Is there any other developer-friendly process to achieve this?

We've been waiting for months without any contact. Please let me know if there is anything we can do.

Next Steps for Default Browser Entitlement?