Do I need to install Xcode, if I only use Matlab, Python, R, Julia to do programming?

Dear All,
I am not sure whether I am in the correct forum to consult my question about Xcode.
I am a PhD student in Mathematics department. I only do progmamming by Matlab, Python, R, Julia.

My mac was bought in 2016. The storage is not large. The Xcode is using 17.06 GB in my Mac. Moreover, the annoying thing is that I always receive update requirement from Xcode and receive message that "We could not complete your update. There is not enough disk space available to install the product".
I forgot that whether it was me who installed the Xcode in my Mac, and that when and why did I install the Xcode.

I really want to delete the Xcode, but I am afraid that if I deleted the Xcode, I would get problem to use Matlab, Python, R, or Julia.

Is there any expert can tell me that "Do I need to install Xcode, if I only use Matlab, Python, R, Julia to do programming? If I, as a student, delete Xcode, will I get any trouble?"
Best Regards,
No. XCode is only an application -- Integrated Development Environment (IDE). If you aren't writing your code inside of XCode, you don't need it.

Note that if any of what you are doing includes use of dev command line tools, Xcode needs to be already installed first.

am using mac pro, i use code and learning new tech's In this case am installing kubernates related things for that it is asking to install xcode is it required really to install.

it is around 12.5 gb now if am not using that it useless right.

please suggest me with out using code app how can we handle.

Do I need to install Xcode, if I only use Matlab, Python, R, Julia to do programming?