Xcode 12 Documentation window closes Xcode

When I try to open the Xcode Documentation inside Xcode 12 (downloaded from the app store), the whole app closes. Is anyone else seeing this
Answered by Technology Evangelist in 634294022
This affects Xcode 12 when downloaded from the Mac App Store. We're aware of the problem and we're working on a fix.

As a workaround in the meantime, documentation is available on developer.apple.com, or if necessary, Xcode 12 can be downloaded from the More Downloads area. After the next Xcode update, re-download Xcode from the Mac App Store to enable automatic updates, with smaller download sizes.
Here is what worked for me to resolve this. Trashed AppStore XCode 12, downloaded XCode 12 xip from Dev Downloads section (GM build no longer available). Also downloaded and installed XCode 12 cmd line tools but they probably have nothing to do with this. Its exact same build as AppStore one but for some reason it just works, no more crashes accessing docs. Likely has something to do with AppStore delivery or specific way/s it installs XCode.
Same, and solved with the non-App Store version. Both show build as 12A7209, but the App Store version shows a Created date of Aug 25 vs Sept 9.
same issue here...
Submitted bug report FB8710561 for this issue
Got the same issue.
Also here. How can it be that Apple releases an IDE product where such a basic function as opening developer documentation aborts the IDE?
I have the same problem, too 😫
Yip, +1 here

Time for an emergency patch, Apple!

One can hope
Got the same issue.
Same problem. Let's hope they notice us.
Same here. Ugh.
same here :( Unbelievable mistake! I nearly hate this version in a couple of hours. What made me fast in the past, just gone!
Same same. 16" MBP 12A7209
Where is the reply from an Apple developer or manager saying, "sorry, we'll have a patch out in a few hours?"
The same issue for me. It appears too work just after the Xcode installation, but stopped to work after the Safari update.
Use the xcode 12 zip-file from here: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/

It seems only the version from the AppStore doesn't work.
Same here
Rather curious to have this slip thru QA

"... How can it be that Apple releases an IDE product where such a basic function..."

Not a unit test issue but cross functional testing - Safari ?
same too...
And nothing from Apple? Nice!
I download this f@#rd update 3 times! 8Gb, after it started to download 11Gb, and one more time 8Gb. In country where I'm now each 1Gb cost 1Euro who will return money to me for this piece of shit? And finally – I can't use Developer Documentation. As I see it's not only one problem in this version.
So, for this "free" software I pay $99 per year for development program, 1 euro per gb each time than they put update (why update for Android Studio it's around 800Mb and Xcode at least 6Gb?) and also they take 30% from each payment inside application or for sell application to customer. Look like you are lost something useful, Apple called conscience.
Same here as well. I didn't even ask for XCode 12.0 but Apple installed it when I wasn't looking. This is a very basic function that crashes. Does Apple no longer test their own code? Come on guys - you are meant to be professionals.
Same here
Same here. Crashes on all ways I try to open the documentation. command-shift-0, right-click, option click or help menu > documentation
Xcode 12 Documentation window closes Xcode