Don't understand how to add a splash image


Can someone explain to me how I can add an image which fills the screen for the splash screen? I am talking about the launch image.

I can't seem to find a solution which works, before I tried the current solution, the logo was going outside of the screen.

After I tried several solutions ended trying this application:

The issue now is that the the top and bottom is white, meaning the image is contained not covering the entire screen.

In the Xcode storyboard I set the Content Mode to Aspect Fill, I added the colors of the image to the background to ensure there are no issues....

>...ended trying this application

The processes outilined in the docs are the only ones you should be using:

Provide a Launch Screen (iOS)
A launch screen is a user interface file that appears immediately when your app launches, then is quickly replaced with your app's first screen. The launch screen simply enhances the user experience by providing something for the user to view while your app is launching.

Edit the launch screen file, called LaunchScreen.storyboard, that is in the project when you create it from a template. Otherwise, you can add a launch screen file to an existing project.

For information about designing a launch screen, read Launch Screen in Human Interface Guidelines.

Thank you for your answer I found the solution, it was because of the constraints.
Glad you sorted it out, thanks for the followup, good luck w/your apps.

Don't understand how to add a splash image