Forums - feedback

I'm not really liking the new forums.
I guess I don't really get how they are supposed to work.

I can see how using 'tags' to post and find content removes the need for someone to keep creating and pruning topics, but it really seems like form-over-function to me.

Here's my gripes..
  1. I just want to browse through all the questions that are in my area of skill, but so far have no answers.. So in the past I'd have drilled through to something like "Developer / Objective-C" - now there seems to be no structure at all. No way to just browse around.

  2. There's so much whitespace! My mouse-miles are through the roof, there doesn't seem to be good use of screen real estate.

  3. You can't reply to a reply. Again this looses structure and makes following a thread really tricky.

  4. When I have a question I'll most likley post one thats been asked before because I don't know what tags the first person will have used.

  5. I can't easily see all my own questions, to see if I have any replies.

  6. I can't easily see what questions I have contributed to.

  7. Stack0verflow is far better laid out, has much more fucntionality, is easier to search, easier to see threads, ... just easier. But Apple's most valuable people aren't going to post replies there.

  8. You can't subscribe to a topic, or even a question, and get notifcations or emails when someone resonds.

There's probably more, but I can't think straight right now...

Accepted Reply

I agree with this 1 million times. The forums are now almost useless to me. Unless I am really missing something. Please advise if someone has a way to use the new format efficiently.


Here's an example how how a question would get completely missed - and the poor user gets no feedback...

This was posted with the wrong tag:
Oh - wait - I can't post an image or screen shot. Oh well. Never mind.

I agree with this 1 million times. The forums are now almost useless to me. Unless I am really missing something. Please advise if someone has a way to use the new format efficiently.
Thanks for writing this up.

I just want to browse through all the questions that are in my area of
skill, but so far have no answers.. So in the past I'd have drilled
through to something like "Developer / Objective-C" - now there seems
to be no structure at all. No way to just browse around.

Right. These discoverability issues are well known to the DevForums maintainers. Pending a fix, there are two workarounds you can apply:
  • The DevForums FAQ has a link to the list of tags.

  • If you’re interested in a specific tag, you can enter [TagName] into the search box to go to the tag page. This is a page of all the threads with that tag, sorted with the most recent first. For example, [Foundation] will take you to the Foundation tag page.

  • You can also get to this page by clicking on a tag where it’s displayed at the top of the thread.

Personally I deal with this by bookmarking the tag pages for the tags I care about.

There's so much whitespace! My mouse-miles are through the roof, there
doesn't seem to be good use of screen real estate.

You should definitely file a bug about that. While the DevForums maintainers have likely heard it before, it doesn’t hurt to have them hear it again (-:

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

You can't reply to a reply. Again this looses structure and makes
following a thread really tricky.

I’m in two minds about this. I found the hierarchical presentation used by the old DevForums to be painful as well. For example, you couldn’t always find the newest post by scrolling to the end of the thread.

I deal with the new system by clearly quoting the text I’m responding to. One nice thing about the new forums is that the editor supports quoting without any shenanigans.

When I have a question I'll most likley post one thats been asked
before because I don't know what tags the first person will have used.

Right, but that’s true for any help forum. I generally recommend that you do a search before posting.

I’ve found search on the new forums to be much better than search on the old ones, albeit with fewer features. What features are available are covered in the DevForums FAQ.

Speaking of search features, this is an area where the DevForums maintainers are well aware of the current limitations.

Finally, keep in mind that DevForums is publicly readable, so it’s indexed by all the common search engines. If you can’t find something with the DevForums search, you can use a site-specific search on your favourite search engine.

I can't easily see all my own questions, to see if I have any replies.

To do this:
  1. Click your avatar in the top right.

  2. In the resulting popup, click anywhere in the top cell that’s outside of the Edit Profile link.

And yeah, I agree that this is quite non-obvious. We have a bug tracking that (r. 66042728).

I can't easily see what questions I have contributed to.

You can't subscribe to a topic, or even a question, and get
notifcations or emails when someone resonds.

These are both real limitations that the DevForums maintainers are well aware of.

In the meantime, I use a couple of techniques for handling this:
  • I always archive a copy of my own posts outside of DevForums, so I can easily find them again (EagleFiler ftw!).

  • If there’s a thread I’m interested in and that isn’t in a tag area that I poll, I save a bookmark to that thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Hi Quinn - thanks for taking the time for me.
I posted the bug - FB8699241 - regarding whitespace.

I also tried a number of your suggestions, and find that it just feels cludgy and workround-y
I think most really good developers have just abandoned the forums.

In my post over on the swift forum [... well there is no "over on ... " in this new world, so in the big, massive pile of messages tagged with various random tags, and hopefully somewhere by adding lots of filters and gueswork I might be able to find my way back to my own message], I added a reply you your latest reply. The new reply that I made just appeared at a random place in all the other replies - which makes it utterly impossible to read the question, and the replies, in any logical order that makes sense to me. OK, OK - I hear you say "quote the thing your replying to" but it stillo forces the user to track and order these things in the head, rather than on the screen.

I have one suggestion that will fix all the problems:
Simply make "h.t.t.p.s://de.v.e.l.o.p.e.r.a.p.p.l.e...c.o.m./.f.o.r.u.m.s." point to and we're done!

To do this:
Click your avatar in the top right.
In the resulting popup, click anywhere in the top cell that’s outside of the Edit Profile link.
And yeah, I agree that this is quite non-obvious. We have a bug tracking that (r. 66042728).

Yeah - that doesn't work - maybe it's been 'fixed'
You now have to click on your Avater and then click on your Avatar in the top cell.