Code Block List(content, children: \.children)
in List and want the list to be part of a larger scrolling view. As it stands I get an embedded scroll view for the list which is not my intent.
Code Block List(content, children: \.children)
Did you find a way to get this working? I am trying to do the same thing to use the new .swipeActions
List{ ... }.disabled(true)
I have been attempting to do the same thing but am also stuck.
I have an image and some text at the top of the screen with a list underneath. All of this is embedded inside a ScrollView. Using GeometryReader lets the list look as it would do normally but now I have 2 separate views that scroll independently.
.disabled(true) resolves the UI issues but removes the functionally of the list which contains NavigationLinks and DisclosureGroups.
I know this is an old thread but I found it looking for an answer and based on the view count I am not the only one. This keeps things like NavigationLinks
working while disabling scroll. Here is a solution:
List{...}.simultaneousGesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0), including: .all)
For the sake of transparency, I did not come up with this, but instead found it here ( and figured it would be helpful to repost to this thread as well!