NavigationLink(destination: <#T##_#>, isActive: <#T##Binding<Bool>#>) not working.

NavigationLink(destination: <#T##_#>, isActive: <#T##Binding<Bool>#>) not working.

I am using XCode 11.7.

I am getting the following error:

Editor placeholder in source file

This is my code:

          NavigationLink(destination: SignUp(show: self.$show), isActive: self.$show){
  //d in destination is highlighted
Answered by ilakk in 631748022
After Command + Shift + B, the project works fine.
Accepted Answer
After Command + Shift + B, the project works fine.
NavigationLink(destination: &lt;#T##_#&gt;, isActive: &lt;#T##Binding&lt;Bool&gt;#&gt;) not working.