On App Store Connect all apps show "Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us."


We have an important deadline based update we need to release today but all the apps on the app store show this error

"Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us."

We have a time sensitive update we need to release so please help fix this problem.
  • Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us. How to solve this

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it's mid-May now, still having this same issue... clicking on my "apps" it takes minutes to load, actually minutes. Sometimes it loads but says "Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues". I go to Network tools and see 500 on some requests. I'm doing the same procedure in Google Play Store (uploading and creating an app). Why is Apple working like that? that's the number 1 company in the world.. How can they afford to have these humiliating issues and bugs? Google is taking 25$ FOR LIFE for a developer account, Apple is taking 99$ per year. Google works flawlessly, Apple process never works and super buggy? Whaaaaat is going on? Please someone tell me, am I the only one who is frustrated with Apple? Am I the only one who thinks that a service that takes 4 times more than Google for just 1 year, should be at least as good as Google?

TLDR: APPLE, I'm stuck, I can't create apps, HELPP MEEEE!

We are experiencing the same issue. Sometimes it loads, but when we try to add a 'New App' , the bundle id from xcode is not getting loaded.

Same here!

I am getting the same error. Apple developers please solve it as fast as possible. I have a project to deliver it today night.

I have the same issue when I want to see my subscription group. I want to add a trial for my app and I am unable to do that since yesterday because of this error.

Same here.

Happening here too now

This happens far too often, Apple.

Considering the price people have to pay & the hoops people need to jump through to use your platform, you'd think it would be a hell of a lot more stable than this.

It literally happens every few months - blocking a tonne of developers with work to do: https://www.google.com/search?q=app+store+connect+Sorry%2C+something+went+wrong.+Try%5B%E2%80%A6%5DMVjaARwAXgAgAEziAFjkgEBMpgBAKABAaABAsgBCsABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz

This literally never happens with Google's Play Store. But is a consistent, persistent issue with App Store Connect.

And even when it is up & working, it is the slowest, most cumbersome & clunky website I have ever had the displeasure of being forced to use.

Seem Appstore Connect has down https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ I can't work for five hours

If nothing changes use Transporter, download it from App store and upload your App .ipa exported from Xcode

It's happening again.

Try to update the page, I had the same but found 1 minute while it was working :)

It's happening to me now. It was working a few other before! Status is green for "App Store Connect"

Facing the same issue

same for me. please fix!!

  • It's happening for me, using Safari and Google Chrome.

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