Change view on completion


I have developed a view that manages three subviews: login, register and confirm code. Now I'm developing a separate view that manages all the subviews after login successful. The idea is that after login with success the new is pushed and the old is popped. I've tried with NavigationLink in the login subview but it seems that it doesn't like the isActive change in the rest response (ie in the completion). Here is the code:

Code Block
            destination: LoggedView(),
            isActive: self.$pushToLogged,
            label: {

Code Block
func login() {
let lF = LoginServiceFacade()
            lF.loginMember(mobileNumber: mobileNumber, password: password, completion: {
                (response: LoginResponse?, error: ConnectionErrors?) in
self.pushToLogged = true

Any idea?

Thanks in advance
Change view on completion