Display problems on Big Sur when using NSImageInterpolation none on a NSBitmapGraphicsContext

Does anybody have some problems with NSImageInterpolation set to none not correctly taken into account on NSBitmapGraphicsContexts since Big Sur?


I am facing the same issue. Did you find a workaround?
Yep, same issue here. Some of the workarounds I've tried that didn't work:
  • Bypassing NSGraphicsContext and drawing directly into a CGContext

  • Creating a CGImage directly and passing false for shouldInterpolate

  • Passing false to CGContextSetShouldAntialias() before drawing)

I filed a feedback about it with a sample app (FB9081098) but that's all I can think to do at the moment.
I am having the same issue: https://github.com/lwouis/alt-tab-macos/pull/705#issuecomment-809008246

code pointer: https://github.com/lwouis/alt-tab-macos/commit/ce6de1402493535cf121fbab8d73105e683c6311

I have 2 Big Sur devices, and they show the same consistent results.