Is there a way to download ALL image files from a website without specifying the name of the image files?
Example, code below, instead of specifying each of the image filename, is there a one line code like maybe listAll() to download all image files? Or maybe a method you can recommend?
static let BASEPATH = "website url address here"
static let payloadData: [ReferenceImagePayload] = [
ReferenceImagePayload(name: "J3132SitePIc", extensionType:, orientation: .up, widthInM: 0.1),
ReferenceImagePayload(name: "J41SitePic", extensionType:, orientation: .up, widthInM: 0.1),
ReferenceImagePayload(name: "NWAIRLINKSAAB340large1", extensionType:, orientation: .up, widthInM: 0.1),
Example, code below, instead of specifying each of the image filename, is there a one line code like maybe listAll() to download all image files? Or maybe a method you can recommend?
static let BASEPATH = "website url address here"
static let payloadData: [ReferenceImagePayload] = [
ReferenceImagePayload(name: "J3132SitePIc", extensionType:, orientation: .up, widthInM: 0.1),
ReferenceImagePayload(name: "J41SitePic", extensionType:, orientation: .up, widthInM: 0.1),
ReferenceImagePayload(name: "NWAIRLINKSAAB340large1", extensionType:, orientation: .up, widthInM: 0.1),
I don't know if there's a one line code. However, StackOverflow has some similiar threads on the topic that may be in the direction of what you're seeking.