What is Items suppose to control in the InstalledApplicationListCommand

What is Items suppose to control in the InstalledApplicationListCommand?

Possible values: AdHocCodeSigned, AppStoreVendable, BetaApp, BundleSize, DeviceBasedVPP, DynamicSize, ExternalVersionIdentifier, HasUpdateAvailable, Identifier, Installing, IsValidated, Name, ShortVersion, Version

The results are the same response https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/installedapplicationlistresponse/installedapplicationlistitem regardless of what strings in included in the Items string of the request.
Make sure you are sending the command to an iOS or iPadOS 14 Developer Beta 6 device, or later. The Items key was not supported on previous releases, and will be ignored.

The Items key lets you choose which items are returned by the query. Include only the ones you need for a faster response!

What is Items suppose to control in the InstalledApplicationListCommand