How to handle a tap on MapAnnotation in MapKit/SwiftUI?

I just want to handle a tap on MapAnnotation in Map.

I've already tried to use usual .onTap modifier, but it didn't work on content passed into MapAnnotation initializer. Also, as I understand, there is no modifier to do something like MKMapViewDelegate.mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) does.

So, is there a convenient way to handle a tap, or should I create my own UIViewRepresentable for MKMapView with its own coordinator and do whatever I want with it by interfacing with UIKit?
I am encouraging to open bug for this issue using Feedback Assistance.

If here will be a lot attention/feedback on this issue maybe it will be fixed together with iOS 14. Otherwise we will need to wait for iOS 15.
I'm interested too in finding a solution. I think that the possibility to react to a tap on an annotation is very important in almost every map project.
Hi OopsCommander, I too am actively attempting to find a way to do this. Not sure if this helps but I found this Apple forum post about what we're trying to do with an apparent positive outcome. I wanted to share this with you. I understand this post is 6mo old, if you found a great solution please share!
Could you please try with iOS 14.2+ build and let us know if the issue still persists.
How to handle a tap on MapAnnotation in MapKit/SwiftUI?