Xcode Bot how to run "simctl" for devices that run tests?

I want to automatically grant the privacy for reminders for all devices that run tests with Xcode bot. However, I have not found another way then doing it via grep in a pre-trigger action:
Code Block
xcrun simctl list | awk -F "[()]" '{ for (i=2; i<NF; i+=2) print $i }' | grep '^[-A-Z0-9]*$' | xargs -I uuid xcrun simctl privacy uuid grant reminders com.app

Since no devices are booted in the pre-trigger-action, I receive this error:
Code Block
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=165):
Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown

Is there any way to find out the UUID of the devices that are selected for the bot (that the bot should run) and only boot those devices?

Xcode Bot how to run "simctl" for devices that run tests?