Certificate Authentication is Broken When We are using Universal link based Redirect URI

Before explaining the problem let me give the specifications. We are using SFSafariViewController and OAuth 2.0 mechanism for authentication. Also we are using Universal Link based Redirect URI.

I have uploaded the AASA file in the particular domain as expected for Universal Link. Also checked that it is getting downloaded when I am installing the app in the device. And our device got MDM profile provided by our organisation. Now coming to the issue:

When I am onboarding with my app, onboarding is successful, if I don't opt for certificate(picked up from the MDM) authentication. But, if I opt for certificate authentication after providing the certificate identity to the idp the callback is not happening. It stays in the SFSafariViewController. The expected behaviour is to resume the NSUserActivity of the app through appdelegate.

Any idea how to resolve this?

Certificate Authentication is Broken When We are using Universal link based Redirect URI