NSAccentColorName in bundle is invalid

I'm trying to distribute an app with a watchOS independent app target but it keeps failing with the error:
Invalid Info.plist key. The key 'NSAccentColorName' in bundle My/WatchOS/App.app is invalid.

I can't see any key with that name and the only way I found to fix it is to remove the accentColor from the Asset folder but doing that I lose the color that I want to use in the watch app
I'm having the same problem, i.e. https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/656958
@LualdiD, I've found a solution to this issue.

Following from the newly added documentation, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/nsaccentcolorname

While you can set this directly in your Info.plist, the recommended approach is to use the Global Accent Color Namebuild setting (in the Asset Catalog Compiler - Options section) of the target. Set the value of the build setting to the name of the Color Set in the asset catalog. Xcode automatically sets NSAccentColorName to the appropriate value in the Info.plist file when building your project. 

It looks like Xcode automatically adds the NSAccentColorName key to watchOS plist when building. To avoid this, I've unset the ASSETCATALOGCOMPILERGLOBALACCENTCOLOR_NAME on the Xcode build settings for my watch os related targets. Since I use xcconfig files, I set ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GLOBAL_ACCENT_COLOR_NAME = , i.e. empty, in my parent watchOS.xcconfig file.
NSAccentColorName in bundle is invalid