How to check if the selected asset is not available because my app has been put in restricted mode

Hello there 👋
I'm trying to use the new PHPickerViewController and I have a question: how can I detect if my app has been put in restricted mode and the user opens the picker to select an image that my app hasn't access to? To clarify: I know how to detect if I my app is limited mode, I would like to know if the selected image is not available.
The point is that I use the picker in order to retrieve the corresponding PHAsset and if my user selects in the picker a photo for which I can't retrieve the corresponding PHAsset because my app doesn't have the permission, I would like to warn him about what's going on.

Thanks in advance 🙏
I would also like to know this.
I would also like to know this.
You can use the asset identifier to fetch the corresponding PHAsset object and see if it's available.
How to check if the selected asset is not available because my app has been put in restricted mode