Crash reporting for iOS framework


I need the crash reporting for iOS frameworks that I developed in swift. But the problem is any available Crashlytics tools are not for reporting crashes for iOS frameworks. Is there a way to report crashes for iOS frameworks developed with swift. Please, help I am pretty much new to the iOS development.
Crash reports are for the process that loaded the the framework, such as an app. If the framework is in your app, you'll get the crash reports through the Xcode Organizer, as described in How are reports created?. If your provide your framework as a closed source binary to other apps, then the crashes caused by your framework will show up in the crash reports for their app, and your client can then provide you the crashes that pertain to your framework.

Can I use MetricKit to report crashes happening inside a framework? Will I be able to filter the crashes based on the binary name?

Crash reporting for iOS framework