I am building an app, where I have a collection view, which is using decoration views (background for a section), supplementary items (section's header) and of course items.
I would like to provide drag and drop for two kinds of views:
sections (they would be moved by dragging header view)
items (already implemented)
I have tried to implement nested collection views, where item of root collection view has its own collection view and views, that are replacing all supplementary and decoration views, but I can't there make them working together, for example - I can't select multiple items from different sections as items from previous section are deselected when tapping on items in other one. Also it's tough to make drag'n'drop working between them (especially using dragging rectangle area) and it's the best way to implement it when we're talking about performance.
I appreciate any kind of help/ideas to implement it.
Compositional layouts code