How do you set font weight for ButtonStyle in SwiftUI


I would like to ask how to change fontWeight of a button label within ButtonStyle. However I can't figure it how to do it.

This is my code:
Code Block swift
struct CapsuleButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
    func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {
            .fontWeight(.bold) /* All modifiers work except this one*/
            .padding(.horizontal, 11)
            .padding(.vertical, 6)

Thanks for your help
Answered by Head Gato in 625039022
I wonder if it’s “not allowed” to use .bold weight with .footnote style. What happens if you add .bold() modifier instead of specifying a weight?

I’d file a bug either way.
Accepted Answer
I wonder if it’s “not allowed” to use .bold weight with .footnote style. What happens if you add .bold() modifier instead of specifying a weight?

I’d file a bug either way.
The same result, still not working.
Same issue here. Still not working.

Code Block

You can also use only:


i have tried all of them still not working !!!





Didn't work? Make sure this change was the first modifier before all others..

How do you set font weight for ButtonStyle in SwiftUI