How to disable XC UI Test Activity Log?


When I run a UI Test, I get a lot of activity logs similar to these:

t = 10.39s Find the Any
t = 10.42s Get number of matches for: Elements matching predicate 'identifier BEGINSWITH "XYZ"'
t = 10.44s Get number of matches for: Elements matching predicate 'identifier BEGINSWITH "XYZ"'
t = 10.46s Find the Any
t = 10.49s Find the "XYZ11" XYZ
t = 10.52s Find the "XYZ11" XYZ
t = 10.54s Find the Any
t = 10.57s Find the "XYZ16" XYZ
t = 10.59s Find the "XYZ16" XYZ
t = 10.61s Find the Any
t = 10.63s Find the "XYZ12" XYZ

Is it possible to disable these logs? Would that speed up the tests a little?

How to disable XC UI Test Activity Log?