ApplePay In-App Provisioning

Hey, we are trying to implement In-App provisioning of our bank card. We have registered with Apple ApplePay and we have:
  1. Added the entitlement to our development provisioning profile

  2. Updated project entitlements to include the apple pay provisioning key with value " " = true

  3. Added Apple Wallet capabilities to the target (not sure if this is needed?)

  4. Created a PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration with some dummy data.

  5. Passed the above configuration to the init for PKAddPaymentPassViewController

But all we get is a failing init and a nil value for the controller. No console message, no errors, no calls back to the associated delegate.

How to debug what is going wrong? Am I missing something???
Hi I am facing the same issue , I am getting entitlement missing error :

I Added the entitlement to our development provisioning profile
Updated project entitlements to include the apple pay provisioning key with value " " = true
Added Apple Wallet capabilities to the target (not sure if this is needed?)
Created a PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration with some dummy data.
Passed the above configuration to the init for PKAddPaymentPassViewController
but PKAddPaymentPassViewController Is coming nil . Nd missing entitlement error is coming .

I already taken access of this API from Apple

same I m getting the error

Hey, I've experienced the same exact issue while implementing this. I was able to resolve it by setting some properties (cardholderName and/or primaryAccountSuffix) to the configuration before passing it to the PKAddPaymentPassViewController initializer.

This the code for presenting this controller, which I execute when the user taps on the "Add to Wallet" button:

guard let configuration = PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration(encryptionScheme: .ECC_V2) else {
    print("Configuration was not initialized! ⚠️")
configuration.cardholderName = "FirstName LastName"
configuration.primaryAccountSuffix = "0000" // last 4 digits
configuration.localizedDescription = "MasterCard Credit" // card description name
guard let walletController = PKAddPaymentPassViewController(requestConfiguration: configuration, delegate: self) else {
    print("Wallet View Controller was not initialized! ⚠️")
self.present(walletController, animated: true)

If you are using objective-c, you can take a look at this thread implementation wise:-

Because I am able present the view controller and if you do not stuck where I am stuck, please reply at my thread too:-

hi all, i am facing the same error, have you resolve this? could u please share? many thanks.

ApplePay In-App Provisioning