Firebase on Xcode 12 beta 3 not supported? Won't build

I have multiple projects where I use the Firebase/Analytics pod installed with CocoaPods.

Everything builds fine on Xcode 12 beta 2, but when I try to build for a real device or simulator (instead of Any iOS Device) on Xcode beta 3, it fails. Is this a known issue that should be fixed in a future version of Xcode?

Building on beta 3 takes a lot longer, and finally fails with an error that says library not found for -lFirebaseCore.

I've tried updating, removing, and re-installing Firebase with CocoaPods, along with cleaning the build folder and deleting DerivedData, restarting the computer, and restarting Xcode, but nothing has helped.

Accepted Reply

I finally found the solution here:

By excluding arm64 as an architecture, it now builds fine and works in the simulator.


It is still not building in Xcode 12 beta 4, but now I'm getting a different error message:

building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS

Is there something I can do to resolve this? Or is it just an Xcode beta issue?
@gohnjanotis I have the same problem... Do you found a solution?
@ioliveira I have not found a solution. I am guessing it is either an issue that either Xcode or Firebase will have to resolve. For now I am continuing to use Xcode beta 2 since that is the most recent version where it will build.
I finally found the solution here:

By excluding arm64 as an architecture, it now builds fine and works in the simulator.