Xcode 12 beta 3 incorrect watchOS SwiftUI build error?

I've just upgraded to Xcode 12 beta 3 and my app, which was building fine on beta 2 now fails to build with the error:

'init(selection:content:)' is unavailable in watchOS

which refers to a call of the form List(selection: $someBinding) { SomeContentHere() }

The docs seem to suggest that this initialiser is supposed to be available for watchOS.

Is anyone else seeing this?


Seems odd - did you clean build folder to see if that helps Xcode get it's bearings?

Still no joy, might want to file a bug against 12 b3, and/or wait for b4.

Good luck in any case.
same here: building a watchOS 6 app, I now get an error with beta 3 I didn't have with previous beta:

'navigationTitle' is only available in application extensions for watchOS 7.0 or newer

I apply this modifier to a ScrollView, I can't see any restriction in Developer Documentation.