META: I also asked this over on StackOverflow, but hardly anyone has even looked at the question.
I have discovered that Core Bluetooth Peripheral Discovery seems to return different results for Mac, and iOS.
iOS seems to give me a lot more info, in the discovery callback, while the Mac seems extremely sparse.
I'm wondering if anyone could shed light on why, exactly, this is.
The test project I created is about as simple as you can get.
I have a pretty much default "Hello World" SwiftUI project, with targets for MacOS and iOS, using a shared ContentView that also instantiates a VERY simple CBCentralManagerDelegate object, and prints discovery info to the console.
I will simply paste the contents of the README, below. It should explain the issue. The two console dumps were made from my Mac and my iPhone, about six inches apart, and about thirty seconds apart.
BTW: You need to run the iOS target on a device. The simulator won't work.
This project contains about the simplest comparison I can make for testing this.
This is the GitHub repo for this project
When a MacOS app gets the centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi: NSNumber) callback, it delivers different data on the Mac, than on iOS.
The code is EXACTLY the same between them. I use a simple shared SwiftUI view to instantiate a dirt-simple CentralManager, and display discovered devices.
On iOS, I get the names of the devices.
On the Mac, I fail to get most of the names.
iOS console log:
Mac console log:
I have discovered that Core Bluetooth Peripheral Discovery seems to return different results for Mac, and iOS.
iOS seems to give me a lot more info, in the discovery callback, while the Mac seems extremely sparse.
I'm wondering if anyone could shed light on why, exactly, this is.
The test project I created is about as simple as you can get.
I have a pretty much default "Hello World" SwiftUI project, with targets for MacOS and iOS, using a shared ContentView that also instantiates a VERY simple CBCentralManagerDelegate object, and prints discovery info to the console.
I will simply paste the contents of the README, below. It should explain the issue. The two console dumps were made from my Mac and my iPhone, about six inches apart, and about thirty seconds apart.
BTW: You need to run the iOS target on a device. The simulator won't work.
This project contains about the simplest comparison I can make for testing this.
This is the GitHub repo for this project
When a MacOS app gets the centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi: NSNumber) callback, it delivers different data on the Mac, than on iOS.
The code is EXACTLY the same between them. I use a simple shared SwiftUI view to instantiate a dirt-simple CentralManager, and display discovered devices.
On iOS, I get the names of the devices.
On the Mac, I fail to get most of the names.
iOS console log:
Code Block Discovered "Soulcatcher" Discovered "Croaker" Discovered "One-Eye" Discovered "[TV]Living Room TV" Discovered "Soulcatcher" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "Desk" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "Lady" Discovered "Eve Light Switch 60" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "Tom-Tom" Discovered "The Limper" Discovered "TV" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!"
Mac console log:
Code Block Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "Eve" Discovered "Eve Light Switch 60CC" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "Eve" Discovered "Eve Light Switch 60CC" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!" Discovered "NO NAME!"
I have determined that this is actually buggy behavior, on the part of Apple, and I reported it as such.
They may choose not to address it, as things become more consistent after a connection is established with the device.
However, I would argue that consistent behavior is fairly important, between different parts of the Apple ecosystem, if the same SDK (Core Bluetooth) is used, and advertisement is a pretty damn important part of BLE (Some devices, such as beacons, ONLY operate with advertisements). I could see that, if it were Core Bluetooth vs. IOBluetooth, or some other SDK, then a difference would be OK, but this is not, in my opinion, acceptable.
Additionally, the Mac inserts another field (kCBScanOptionAppleFilterPuckType) into the advertising data that is not available on other platforms.
I made the test project a lot more robust:
They may choose not to address it, as things become more consistent after a connection is established with the device.
However, I would argue that consistent behavior is fairly important, between different parts of the Apple ecosystem, if the same SDK (Core Bluetooth) is used, and advertisement is a pretty damn important part of BLE (Some devices, such as beacons, ONLY operate with advertisements). I could see that, if it were Core Bluetooth vs. IOBluetooth, or some other SDK, then a difference would be OK, but this is not, in my opinion, acceptable.
Additionally, the Mac inserts another field (kCBScanOptionAppleFilterPuckType) into the advertising data that is not available on other platforms.
I made the test project a lot more robust: