I have looked to Google but I can't find out if SKSprite objects have a hidden or visible property? Right now am using clear as the color for stroke and fill. But if I can do it with one call the would be nice.
Is there a visible or hidden property in SK objects?
SKNode, the base class for all SpriteKit nodes, has an isHidden property.
isHidden, didn't think of the "is" part so couldn't find it. Is there some tool where you can search an object for specific properties?
The best option I know for SpriteKit is to look at the class references for the SpriteKit classes in Apple's documentation.
Xcode's documentation window will let you search for a specific property, but a property like isHidden appears in lots of classes so finding the SpriteKit one can be difficult.
Xcode's documentation window will let you search for a specific property, but a property like isHidden appears in lots of classes so finding the SpriteKit one can be difficult.