What is the best strategy for JSON resources in SPM package: process or copy?

I've added folder with JSON resources to SPM package target resources with .process("Folder") and I see that in built bundle these resources are the same as in sources, even not minified. So what is better to do with JSON files: process them or just copy.

Looks like .copy is faster according to common sense and if files are not changed after .process maybe it would be better to use .copy instead?
Answered by ForumsContributor in
Accepted Answer
You should default to process over copy as a general rule of thumb. If the target platform doesn't have any specific rules to apply to a file for processing, then the file output is just a copy of the original resource, and you haven't accidentally thrown away any optimization that could be applied to the resource during the build.
What is the best strategy for JSON resources in SPM package: process or copy?