Removing Swift package from Xcode

In Xcode 11.5, removing a Swift package dependency from Xcode workspace does not delete the checkout data in the DerivedData. Is this behavior expected? If not, has it been fixed in Xcode 12? Should I file a radar?
Beyond frustrating because I'm experiencing this too in Xcode 12.0.1, this still has yet to be resolved. Even when I remove the dependency from the project and delete the DerivedData folder, Xcode is checking out these old repositories every time I open my project.
For me I think the fix was changing my Dockerfile to disable automatic resolution. NOTE: that I also deleted my derived data directory.

Code Block
RUN swift build \
--enable-test-discovery \
--disable-automatic-resolution \
-c release \
-Xswiftc -g

Not sure if this had a material impact but while I was in there... I upgraded my docker build:
Code Block
#FROM swift:5.2.3-bionic as build
FROM swift:5.3-bionic as build

Removing Swift package from Xcode