Single ObservableObject fronting the data model?


I watched the WWDC20 'Data Essentials in SwiftUI'. Around 12:00 it's explained (from transcript):

You can model your data using value type and manage its lifecycle inside effect with a reference type. For example you can have a single observable object that centralizes your entire data model and is shared by all your view.

Like in the diagram here, this gives you a single place for all your logic making it easy to reason about all the possible state and mutation in your app.

What's meant by this, as a pattern?

If I have Movies, Actors, Reviews, as models, how is it proposed that I create a proxy class that makes some properties of the models observable?

Or, I create a single 'global' observable object (class) which has properties of Movies, Actors, Reviews (structs)? So the class is effectively a shell or holding object for my models? Such that Movies (a list of Movie structs) becomes a @Published property.


Single ObservableObject fronting the data model?