Use StoreKit configuration file from a framework

I've created a Configuration.storekit file in Xcode 12 beta 2, and when I use SKProductsRequest in an app target, everything works as expected. However, when I use SKProductsRequest in a framework, I get this error:

Code Block
Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "UNKNOWN_ERROR" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=UNKNOWN_ERROR, NSUnderlyingError=0x600002f4cf30 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=507 "Error decoding object" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error decoding object, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Attempted to decode store response}}}

I've tried setting the configuration both in my app scheme and in my framework scheme, but I can't get it to work. Does the new StoreKit testing work with frameworks?


I've reported this as FB7873304.