I would like to use a ViewModifier, called Cardify, where the content conforms to Shape. I use content twice within my ViewModifier ... once for those cards that require filled shapes (paths) with colors (either solid, or transparent) and a second time for shapes that require a simple outlined only to be used on the cards.
That second use of content is where things fall apart, as the compiler complains about me trying to stroke() content.
How can I tell the ViewModifier that content will also conform to Shape protocol, so that I can use:
That second use of content is where things fall apart, as the compiler complains about me trying to stroke() content.
How can I tell the ViewModifier that content will also conform to Shape protocol, so that I can use:
Code Block swift struct Cardify: ViewModifier { let card: CardForView func body(content: Content) -> some View { ZStack { VStack { ForEach( 0..<card.pips ) { _ in ZStack { content.opacity(self.card.shading) content.stroke() } .foregroundColor(self.card.color) .scaleEffect(self.card.isSelected ? 0.60 : 1.0 ) } } .padding() // for shapes within RoundedRect RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).stroke(lineWidth: card.isSelected ? 3.0 : 1.0).foregroundColor(.orange) .scaleEffect(self.card.isSelected ? 0.60 : 1.0 ) } .padding() // for Grid within GameBoard .aspectRatio(2/3, contentMode: .fit) } } extension View { func cardify(card: CardForView) -> some View { return self.modifier(Cardify(card: card)) } }