API connection error

Any API that I try to connect to shows this error in the output:

nwresolverstartquerytimerblockinvoke[C1] Query fired: did not receive all answers in time for API ADDRESS

if using HTTP or HTTPS show the same error.
I update info.plist with the security settings of the app transport and the error persists.

On mac I'm using mac os catalina and iOS 14 on iPhone
I'm getting the same error on a number of different network calls for an app running on iPadOS 14. Also using Catalina. I didn't get any errors for the same app running on iPadOS 13. Not sure where to start in fixing this.
Just the same error on macOS, for any API I connect to. Just the message on the Xcode debug console, because the GET succeeds.

nwresolverstartquerytimerblockinvoke [Cxx] Query fired: did not receive all answers in time for ***

MultiPlatform application, macOS Big Sur Beta (same behavior anyhow on Catalina as well), iOS 13.5: on iOS no problem, while the error is 100% systematic on macOS.
On macOS I cannot register for CloudKit push notifications as well: I wonder if the two issues are correlated (again: no problem with push notifications in iOS)
Same error on iOS 14...have you found a way to fix it?
same, iOS 14 beta 6 iPhone 11 Pro
Hey fellow developers,

I ran into this message as well, but I realized I was mis-interpreting it. It seems like the console outputs this message during long downloads. Try looking at the device's network properties in your debug navigator panel in the project side bar and seeing if it has any network traffic, sometimes the download just takes a while. Alternatively, test it out with a small file. That was what make me realize the download was actually successfully beginning.

Good luck
API connection error