Smart Invert and CSS background-image property

Is it expected behavior for Smart Invert to be inverting an image that is defined using the CSS background-image property?
Smart Invert works as expected by not inverting an image defined by the <img> HTML tag but does invert the background-image property image.
Correct, Smart Invert is, sadly, not smart enough to invert CSS images.

i NEED the smart invert colors to work as its the only way i can read text, this is really one issue apple needs to fix, so the images dont invert or u can touch and hold to select the image and filter it out so it wont invert the next time you reload.

to much white or bright screen, even the small top or bottom banner inverting bright (like the DHL app) is making me unable to read any text with my vision.

i guess some ppl have this problem too or just like the dark esthetics, anyways a proper dark mode has improved over the years but for me with low vision its an absulute lifesaver to have working correctly. so i have double back-tap on to switch the invertmode in the iphone and love it.

like mobile First thinking, maybe apple should encourage devs to build their apps text-first or only versions without any compromises on the main functionalities.

If you want background images to avoid the invert, you can use the CSS media feature:

@media (inverted-colors) {
  .mySelector { filter: invert(100%); }

The selected element will still be inverted screen pixels, but applying the invert filter means it's effectively "double-inverted" so it looks normal, as if it was never inverted.

Smart Invert and CSS background-image property