Cannot find type 'DynamicCharacterSelectionIntent' in scope

and, Type 'Provider' does not conform to protocol 'IntentTimelineProvider'
in EmojiRangerWidget.swift.

The Provider will not conform presumably if it cannot find 'DynamicCharacterSelectionIntent'. So, why would that be?

After comparing with the "final" version of the example code, it became apparent that the EmojiRangerWidget was no longer a target member of EmojiRangerWidgetExtension, but now a member of CharacterDetailExtension.

When I remove membership from EmojiRangerWidgetExtension of EmojiRangerWidget it suddenly is able to "find" DynamicCharacterSelectionIntent and the protocol non-conformance issue goes away.

It would be really helpful, having come this far in the Widget creation journey, to understand why I am observing the above behaviour and how the CharacterDetailExtension should be created.