Not able to authorise Payment for Apple Developer Program (India) (Individual)

I have been trying to enrol into Apple Developer program for a month now without any success. Every time I get a email saying 'Order Acknowledgement' but the payment never goes through.

I have tried using 3 of my own credit cards along with a friend's card from the USA. Nothing seems to work.

Supports refuses to help me and asks to check with my bank while my bank keep saying that they haven't received any transaction.

Anybody facing the same problem & managed to join the program? thanks!
Yeah, I and hundreds of other developer have the same problem for failing Apple developer program peymant. It's over 2 month that I'm trying with different cards with no success!!
Let's all follow it up on the main topic:
Yes i am also tring to purchase developer program but always got cancled.. tried my 3 credit cards , all are International payment enabled.. but not successed... this is very disoppointing . Feed Back support reply me that this is issue occure due to support team not by bug, but send many mails to Developer support .. no reply from them. :(
I did successfully manage to get access to Apple developer program after a month of trying.
This is what I did:
  1. After talking to a lot if customer agents, I asked my case to be transferred to a senior customer executive.

  2. The first senior executive again told me that nothing can be done and I need to talk to my bank

  3. Called up again and asked to be transferred to another senior executive who was open to listen to the issue. She said she will transfer the case to the internal department

  4. after 1 day, they created a purchase on apple store (// and there they could successfully charge my card

  5. Next day I got a mail asking for some valid id scan (I gave my passport scan)

  6. Immediately after providing the same, I was granted access to apple developer program. Hope this helps someone :)

I'm having the issue, i have been 3 months behind my schedule, support just keep responding with robotic emails.
i can't explain how that feels.
i called the bank, the say the never had a payment request from apple. i read tones of topics on the forums just to spot if any user mentions support call numbers (not on the website anymore ) ,got them but they are also replaced by robots directing you to ask via emails again.
i'm just thinking what if i already had the project running and this happens.
you can also see several southands of people with similar "apple developer program payment issue" in other forums

Not able to authorise Payment for Apple Developer Program (India) (Individual)