In-app Purchase on single transaction

My app is selling 2 in-app products (A and B).
Assume a user only purchase product A. Is there a way to restore just product A transaction? It seems to me that there is noway to restore just one transaction.

  • (IBAction)restoreproduct:(id)sender {

    if ([SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]) {

        [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];

        [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]restoreCompletedTransactions];

    } else {



restoreCompletedTransactions() restores all previously completed purchases for non-consumables, auto-renewable subscriptions, and non-renewing subscriptions.

The functionality you are looking to implement is not currently supported. We recommend that you file an enhancement request via Feedback Assistant ( For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit <>.

See Setting Up the Transaction Observer for the Payment Queue for information on how to add a transaction observer.

In-app Purchase on single transaction