SwiftUI onTapGesture No Longer Working in iOS 14

I have a vertical ScrollView with a custom View populating it. This custom view has a onTapGesture.

It works fine on iOS 13.x, but I just loaded up Xcode 12, recompiled, and put it on a test device running iOS 14 and the taps are no longer recognized.

Did I miss something at WWDC that stated this functionality is changing. I have been digging but haven't come across anything yet.


Adding to this as I can't seem to edit. The onTapGesture is actually working, and it is causing my state variable to toggle. The sheet is no longer opening up though.
Noticing the scrollview also doesn't seem to be generating the views. It's blank as I scroll.
I gave up on ScrollView and moved over to Lists. Not sure what was going on here.
Did anybody here manage to resolve this? I've run into the same thing and it's still happening all the way up to beta 6.
I'm facing the same problem on Xcode 12 beta 6 and a test device running iOS 14 beta 8
Im also seeing this. In final versions of both xcode 12 and iOS14.

but if I compile in xcode 12 for iOS13.5 (simulator) it seems to be working just fine.

I have a tapgesture on a imageview, which is inside a uitableview cell.
Not the most elegant way, I agree, but worked fine until now.

anyone able to solve this?

im using UIKit and not SwiftUI.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? I am experiencing the same issue
Have you tried .simultaneousGesture() instead of .onTapGesture()? Certain views, like NavigationLink views, already have built-in tap gesture detection, so .onTapGesture() doesn't work.

simultaneousGesture() "attaches a gesture to the view to process simultaneously with gestures defined by the view."

Same problem was with me. Wrapping views under NavigationView worked for me.

Same issue here, Every time I test the app in iOS 14, Any item with " .onTapGesture " is not responsive.

What I'm doing right now is trying to change each item if it could be to "Button()"