Change branch of an Xcode Server Bot?

Following the official documentation, it is pretty straight forward to duplicate an existing Bot.

What I am having an issue understanding, is how to set the git branch for this new Bot.

My use case is to have our CI tool (say, Jenkins) create a new Bot after a new branch / pull request is created.

I fully expect that I am somehow failing at comprehending the documentation, but would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.


I was curious if you ever got this figured out. I have found that I can clone a bot, then using curl patch, I can update the name and scheduleType without a problem. Modifying the sourceControlBlueprint seems to result in my changes just being ignored, or receiving a strange error
"Class of object ((null)) is not a subclass of XCSBotConfiguration"

Same question here.

With XCode 11 it's pretty easy to achieve this. Just edit your bot, click on "Repositories" and then the button "Replace Repositories". The latest repository is downloaded again and everything works fine.
Change branch of an Xcode Server Bot?