Has changed the position of the close button in recent iOS ?

In recent years, there is a close button in the upper right corner of iOS. For example, the half modal sheet of Map has the title on the left, so you may not be able to do anything about it. However, there are times when you can put the close button on the left side, but the close button is on the right side.

For example, the new iOS 14 feature, App Clips, is also a new feature in iOS 14, and you'll see a close button in the top right corner. Is "close" a primary action? I know of an even worse example: even in Apple Books, rather than having a close button in the upper right corner but surprisingly, the buy button, which should be a primary action, is on the left side. It's not even consistent with the App Store.

The examples are endless, such as Messages and Shortcuts' Details sheets also has a Done button in the upper right corner. These are essentially modeless operations, so you can add the X button in the upper left corner that I feel like.

Oops, speaking of Shortcuts, this Details sheet doesn't have a cancel button. Despite this, it's a modal sheet. What is the purpose of this? Automation is also full of surprises. Each cell looks like a NavigationLink, but you can actually make the cell When I press it, the sheet comes up. Is there a reason it has to be modal? The screen to edit shortcuts also have a problem. The "..." button is in the upper right corner, and it is in that position, so it seems to be a primary action. But the close button is taking up the right side of the Navigation Bar, so I can't see it when I scroll down. it should be fine as long as it's like Mail.

The close button is in the upper left corner. A few years ago I thought this was a principle of the Apple’s platforms, but it seems to be different on iOS these days. Has the design philosophy changed? If changed, I wanna hear you explain it. If it hasn't changed (and this is my hope), before iOS 14 sees the light of day, please fix as many mistakes as you can. I can only tell you wrong design In iOS , but I wanna help you.