WKWebView Incorrect Cookies


We load request in WKWebView 'A' to render chart if chart data is live connection we fetch data from other system for that we load SAML request in WKWebVIew 'B' upon successful SAML login instead of getting the cookies of request 'B' I am getting cookies of "A" request. This cause a blocker for us as we just moved from UIWebView to WKWebView. Please find the attachment of sample project where I send 2nd request after 10 secs. It will be great if this issue is addressed at the earliest. Please run and test multiple times.

Did you find a solution? I am experiencing the same issue.
I am experiencing a similar issue in which we are using a SAML authentication mechanism in our iOS application. We launch an in app browser to perform the SAML authentication. Previously with uiWebview everything worked as expected. The user completes the SAML login, is returned to the application and the SAML authentication cookie was present in the application.

Now that we have updated to wkWebview, the authentication cookie is present in the in app browser, but is not present in the application itself.

Has anybody come up with a fix or a workaround for getting cookies to persist between WKWebview instances within an app?
WKWebView Incorrect Cookies