Questions and improvements

Hi Apple Safari team,

I converted yesterday successfully the 'Turn Off the Lights' Chrome extension to Safari 14 Web Extension.
However, I have a few small but important questions to get a great web experience for my Safari users.
  • The current icon is a normal gray lamp icon in my Chrome web browser (on a white Chrome theme). But in Safari, it shows the lamp icon in a blue accent. Is there a way to disable this accent color and show the gray color. So it is consequent with the other buttons.

  • In Google Chrome and other major web browsers the user can customize the shortcut keys (commands feature in the manifest.json):
However, where is this feature in Safari 14? If it is not here, can you add this feature because it is important to have a customizable shortcut that match to the user preference.
  • In the Safari preferences window -> Extensions tab, it shows the icon of the browser extension. Is there a way to show the application icon and not the extension icon in the list.

  • Do the context menu at Safari support the icon in the context menu? Because it does not show the icon at Safari right-click menu.

   chrome.contextMenus.create({"title": sharemenuratetitle, "type":"normal", "id": "totlratemenu", "contexts": contexts, "icons": {"16": "images/IconStar.png","32": "images/IconStar@2x.png"}});

Stefan Van Damme

The current icon is a normal gray lamp icon in my Chrome web browser (on a white Chrome theme). But in Safari, it shows the lamp icon in a blue accent. Is there a way to disable this accent color and show the gray color. So it is consequent with the other buttons.

The icon turns blue / accent tinted when the extension has access to the current page. This is by design, and informs the user that the extension is active. If your extension supplies a color icon, the colored icon will be used and not tinted. In your case, you could use a yellow light bulb, and we would use that, and grayscale it when the extension is inactive.

In Google Chrome and other major web browsers the user can customize the shortcut keys (commands feature in the manifest.json)

Safari does not support customizing the commands from the extension. If this is something you would like to see, please send us feedback via Feedback Assistant.

In the Safari preferences window -> Extensions tab, it shows the icon of the browser extension. Is there a way to show the application icon and not the extension icon in the list.

The extension icon is the only one Safari shows in preferences. You should use the icons manifest key for this preference icon. For the toolbar icon, you should use the default_icon key under browser_action, to have them be different.

Do the context menu at Safari support the icon in the context menu? Because it does not show the icon at Safari right-click menu.

Safari does not support icons in context menus. If this is something you would like to see, please send us feedback via Feedback Assistant.

Hi Apple Team,

Thank you for your reply!
I already submitted my Safari extension feedback to the Feedback Assistant app.

The icon turns blue / accent tinted when the extension has access to the current page. This is by design, and informs the user that the extension is active. If your extension supplies a color icon, the colored icon will be used and not tinted. In your case, you could use a yellow light bulb, and we would use that, and grayscale it when the extension is inactive.

However, the design philosophy of the gray lamp button, is that the "lights go to off".
And it must be gray, the same color as your Safari tracker icon in the toolbar (but without the blue accent color of the macOS).
I will report this important design issue to Apple Feedback Assistant.

Thanks for the feedback. I understand better now. Maybe you can find some color that works and still looks dim / off for the light bulb? If color is used, the accent color tinting is not performed.

I was really confused when I tried out my extension with Big Sur Safari and saw that blue tinting.

While I think it is really important to indicate activity to the user I think this looks really alien since no other system toolbar icon has this behaviour.
While I believe it's too late for the shipping version I would strongly pledge for a reconsideration of this feature.
Hi arno_app,

While I think it is really important to indicate activity to the user I think this looks really alien since no other system toolbar icon has this behaviour.

I did report this issue. And I found it misplace all my new Safari extensions (coming soon to Safari 14) out of place. It is not harmony well fitted in the Safari web browser user interface. And even the Apple Privacy button does not have this accent color.

While I believe it's too late for the shipping version I would strongly pledge for a reconsideration of this feature.

How more feedback reports, the higher this issue goes up on the top of the most concerning issue.
So @arno_app please create also a report at the Apple Feedback page.

Questions and improvements