SwiftUI Picker with Multiple Selection

Hi! One of my main frustrations with SwiftUI last WWDC was the apparent lack of a View allowing for multiple selections. This year's "Stacks, Grids and Outlines in SwiftUI" Session even shows a brief snippet with
Code Block
@Binding private var selection: Set<String>
which would indicate the possibility of multiple selections with a Picker view in SwiftUI. However the sample code for the app presented there is not available...

In short: how should one use Picker or go about creating another view which would allow multiple selections? To stay in the Sandwiches theme of this year's apps: how would one create a Picker allowing selection of multiple ingredients from a list?
I would also love to see a native solution.
I did one on my own. Maybe you can use it too.
It's not really a picker, but you could do this:

Code Block swift
struct IngredientsPickerView: View {
@State var ingredients: [Ingredient] = [Ingredient(name: "Salt"),
Ingredient(name: "Pepper"),
Ingredient(name: "Chili"),
Ingredient(name: "Milk")]
var body: some View{
ForEach(0..<ingredients.count){ index in
HStack {
Button(action: {
ingredients[index].isSelected = ingredients[index].isSelected ? false : true
}) {
if ingredients[index].isSelected {
Image(systemName: "checkmark.circle.fill")
} else {
Image(systemName: "circle")
struct Ingredient{
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var isSelected: Bool = false

@HeGer: To clarify, I'm looking for a Picker allowing selection of multiple items of the same type, not selecting one item from multiple otpions. Your second suggestion goes in the right direction!
SwiftUI Picker with Multiple Selection