Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code 65

Every now and then our CI run would fail to compile our app project with the following error:

Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code

Exit status: 65

A simple re-trigger of the same CI job (Jenkins) without any code changes would then succeed without any errors.

This started happening with Xcode 11.0 and still exists today with Xcode 11.5 and Xcode 12.0 Beta.

  • How and where can I get more info why CompileAssetCatalog command failed?

  • What does exit status 65 mean?

  • Where can i find the error codes of actool?

  • Can anybody point me in the right direction how to debug this to figure out what makes it fail?

Side info:
We have two .xcassets files in our app project. Not sure if this is important.

The best way to get help on issues like this is to file bug reports on Apple Developer at

Be sure to include the necessary background information such as the version of the operating system and Xcode. In this particular case, it would be really helpful to include a sample of the .xcassets or a sample project with the asset catalogs in question.

Thanks for the reply. I'll try to file a bug then. But an example project would be difficult. Because this is not really easy to reproduce. Even locally I may only get it once in a week maybe when compiling our app project. This is only happening in our big main app project. I've never seen this in our smaller projects.

So some pointers (maybe a log file somewhere?) where to look closer when we do finally get this error again to immediately investigate.

In that case, I'd highly recommend capturing the relevant crash logs stored at ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ and include them in the bug reports. That would allow the issue to be triaged and investigated more quickly once it has been filed.

Hope that helps,
I'm also experiencing this problem across multiple OSes and Xcode versions. The only (tiny) difference is that I'm not getting an exit code at all, unlike the original poster who is seeing a 65.

I'd like to report a bug as suggested above, but I'm not sure what crash log from ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ to include. What file am I looking for?

We have approximately 10 asset catalogues in our project - is there any way of finding out which one is causing the crash?
I checked and there aren't any crash logs remotely related to assets catalog in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/. So I can't attach anything in this regard.

But I've just created a new feedback with bunch of screenshots and logs from derived data, since I just got this error now on my machine:

FB8081594 (Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code)
•Initial Conditions
••Xcode Version 12.2
••Deployment Info
•••iOS 13.4
•••macOS 10.15.4
••••Mac enabled
••Two AppIcon Files w/ all image sizes
•••Devices iPhone and iPad
•••Device Mac
••Scheme Device
•••iPhone 8 Simulator
•Information given at end of the Issue Log
••Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code
••Instead of going to the info.plist file
•••Went to the Project TARGETS > General Tab > App Icons and Launch Image
••The App Icons Source Drop-Down-List was empty
•••1st selected the macOS AppIcons - The Issue did not change
•••2nd selected the iOS AppIcons - The Build Succeeded
••Then changed the Scheme Device to My Mac - The Build Succeeded
•Conclusion: The App Icons Source must be the iOS AppIcons file name

This is a simple Reply, hope it saves other people some of their valuable time.
Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code 65