Widget and Apple Health refresh rate

Hi there,

If the Widget we are developing uses activity data from the Apple Watch via HealthKit, e.g. Active Energy, how can our App read up to date data from Healthkit when it is in the background. And if so how often does the widget refresh. As an experiment I’ve been looking at the Apple Activity widget provided in the ios14 beta, but it out of sync with the Apple Watch activity data over more than a 15 minute duration. I.e the widget had not updated for at least 15 minutes even though the Apple Watch Activity data is constantly updating.

many thanks


Looking for the same, any solution?
I agree the Widget constraints are a joke.

I can update the resource constrained apple watch but I can't update the BIG Battery phone that might even be plugged in. It's kind of a mess. But the apple watch did take several years to make it usable. Maybe it will do what it should have in iOS 17.4

I want to display a burst of detailed information (up to the second) that periodically occurs at unpredictable times.

Like what if waze wanted to pop something on a widget about a road side emergency. But your out of budget. Or what if you have buy order on stock reaching a trigger. Updates every 15 minutes is crazy.

I just coded up the UI portion of a Widget and started looking into the refresh methodology and was seriously disappointed and will probably dump the whole idea of offering a Widget. It's useless.

Widget and Apple Health refresh rate