"version 2.0" is available for apps built with iOS 14 sdk, what does this mean?
Is it the source app showing ads needs to be built with iOS14 OR advertised app needs to be built with iOS 14 OR both? And are those apps needs to be running on iOS 14 device or they can be running on iOS 13 and below?
OR does this mean source app and/or advertised app running on iOS14 will be able to use "version 2.0" ?
Is it the source app showing ads needs to be built with iOS14 OR advertised app needs to be built with iOS 14 OR both? And are those apps needs to be running on iOS 14 device or they can be running on iOS 13 and below?
OR does this mean source app and/or advertised app running on iOS14 will be able to use "version 2.0" ?