User albums can not be accessed

Why would user created albums be cut off from app access ?
”User albums however can not be fetched”

If the user created the album then they “should “ be able to pick or use the album within a photo editing app, right?
The user has decided to organize their images according to their own criteria.. The user created their own system of image selection in an album. It is mystifying to me that user can not access their own album from an app.
My first impression is that this decision should be reviewed!
My app is built around loading the user created album ( as selected by the user”) so this is a profound effect.


If you are using PHPicker for image selection, your user will have access to all their albums from which they can pick images to share with your app. The change you're referring to is specific to what assets your app can directly access through PhotoKit if it is not given full library access and is instead put in limited mode. When in limited mode, your app will only have access to assets specifically shared and no other assets or containers from within the Photos library.
Thanks .. that helps reduce the impact and will make sense to the user. They will not see their user albums because that is their decision. I will also see if the new PHPicker is sufficient to replace my picker interface even if my app is given full access.
