Using menus in SwiftUI

From the Designing with iOS Menus and Building with iOS Menus, it was clear that we should replacing many of our action sheets with menus. I couldn't find how to do that with SwiftUI though.

The only thing that I am seeing is still .contextMenu, which would appear after a long press. Am I missing something, or does SwiftUI lack support for this new approach?
Seems to be macOS only at the moment.
I also had the same question. Would be great if they add it to SwiftUI for iOS.
As far as I can see, there's no way to display SwiftUI context menus without a long press, and there's no other SwiftUI UIMenu equivalent.

SwiftUI's .contextMenus do seem to get pretty far, perhaps even sharing an implementation with UIMenu, but I would also love to see the ability to display them with a button tap. Perhaps some form of programmatic way to trigger them in a Button, analogous to UIControl's new .showsMenuAsPrimaryAction.
I hope this is slated to come soon in the beta cycle!
I have the same question. I don’t see any way to present a menu as the primary action in the current beta.
I have the same question as well.. would be great to see this added to SwiftUI in a future beta
Same question here.
Yay, SwiftUI Menu on iOS and iPadOS just got added in beta 3: (docs link)
Using menus in SwiftUI