App Building

Hi, So I've been using Xcode for nearly 3 years and there's a lot of things I seem not to get. For example, SpireKit, I know the basics of app developing but I don't know how to build a complete app. And I wanna learn more about it, can anyone direct to where can I learn those complex stuff? Thank You in Advance!! 🙏
This WWDC session about SpriteKit provides a good overview of the basic concepts:
Building a complete app (vs. individual technologies) that includes 'complex stuff', vs. already having 3 years just toiling w/the basics, is often best approached by doing.

Set yourself a goal (
I like stretch goals_) that isn't too hard but allows you to complete an app that includes design to testing, hopefully something you 're happy enough with to put in the store so that you gain full 'completeness'.

You may need to break it into manageable steps that you can focus on individually. Avoid beta tools and SDKs.

If your first complete app is a game*, keep in mind that is the most competitive category in the store and for first timers, it can be an easy path to discouragement when it comes to earning money. Don't let that stop you, stick with it regardless.
  • Example of some courses you can take, if they're more your style:

Udemy YouTube: https://ww

As for learning specific technologies in depth, browse the WWDC Videos, as suggested, and, iTunes U on the app store.

Good luck.
App Building