How do we get swan’s quest on iPad?

The developer app has links to download the zip files, but they just get stored in the Files app. How do we see it in Swift Playgrounds on iPad?
I used Playgrounds on the Mac to download and import it - then made sure it synced to the playground to iCloud (whenever you exit back to the main menu) - so that Playgrounds on the iPad picked it up.
You can also open the downloaded zip file in Files, which will expand the playground file. Then you can open this file in Playgrounds via the Files app. Have fun!

You need to double click on files app. Both files will unpack their swift playgrounds files.

after that, you can double click them or open them from the Swift Playgrounds app.

best regards.
once you have the playgrounds downloaded and unzipped in the files app, just move it to the playgrounds folder on your ipad or icloud drive. then it will show up in swift playgrounds for you.
Tried for about 40 minutes to get this first Swan’s Quest playground into the Playgrounds app on the iPad. Was never successful.
The presentation about this was so well done, I was inspired to learn about Accessibility coding in Swift Playgrounds. Bummed that getting the file was so challenging.
I seemed to have gotten the file in Playgrounds on the iPad. What a convoluted, tortuous path! There has got to be a better way to do this.
The best way on your iPad is to download the zip file into Files. Once in Files, tap the zip file to uncompressed it, then tap the .playgroundbook to open the playground in the app directly.
To make it easier I created a playground feed you can subscribe to in Swift Playgrounds to add the first chapter to your iPad:

This is just temporary until Apple finds it a permanent home...
If anyone is still having troubles getting the playground onto their iPad, I strongly encourage you to sign-up for the Swift Playgrounds lab on Thursday. There are still openings available for 1-1 consultations with engineers on the team.

(They can also help you file Feedback Bugs, so the team can fix this for future challenges)
Tapping on the zip file in the Files app is not uncompressing it for me. I just see the file name, its size, "539 files" and a "Preview Content" button which, when tapped, ends up saying "No file to preview".
How do we get swan’s quest on iPad?